Join the SaaS Alliance community

Sign up to our SaaS Slack community for discussions, networking, and ideas.

It’s a free online resource dedicated to helping you sharpen your ideas and learn how to sell faster and smarter.

You’ll also get to know SaaS experts all over the world 🌍, brainstorm sales funnel strategies, and grow your product. Whatever takes your fancy. The more you add to the debate, the more you’ll get back.

How to sign up

In three really easy steps:

  1. Create your account 👇🏼

2. Join some SaaS channels.

3. Post questions, provide answers, and network!

Check out a few more pointers below so you can hit the community running and get the most out of it from the off.

What happens in the community?

It’s an open discussion where everyone can learn more about software as a service and hone your approach to best practices.

You’ll join over 6000 SaaS professionals for advice and support on any software as a service topic.

Whether you’re a start-up or a Fortune 500 company, connect and network with SaaS. Talk to founders, developers, and professionals for essential industry insights.

What SaaS stuff can you discuss?

SaaS Alliance Slack community

There are channels for anything you want to discuss (about SaaS, of course). Start with #introductions and let everyone know what you’re all about.

Then you can head over to #content, #saas-sales, #saas-events, #jobs, #saas-marketing or... you get the gist. There are lots to choose from.

And if you have a channel idea, flag it up. We’ll add it to the community to keep the discussion flowing.

The benefits of joining

There are loads of advantages to joining the communityall of which you’ll soon see for yourself. 😉

As well as getting new ideas and meeting like-minded SaaS professionals, you’ll also be able to use the community to:

  • Solve organizational problems.
  • Keep track of industry trends.
  • Develop your brand with real-time peer feedback.
  • Improve your UX and customer experience.
  • Got a problem? Ask the community! It can help to cut support costs.
  • Brainstorm new ideas.

And all that for free. Not too shabby, eh?

A few FAQs

So now you’re in the know, here are some quick-fire answers to common community questions.

Q: Is it free to join?

It sure is. And that’s not going to change. All you need to do is sign up for a Slack account and you’re good to go.

Q: What are the community guidelines?

Discuss SaaS. Pretty straightforward and that keeps everyone on topic and building on their brand.

But there’s no self-promotion. That’s unless you have a valid reason to do it, of course. Like if your business can help with a specific community question.

Otherwise, please don’t. You can take part in our AMAs and podcasts if you’re looking to share your industry knowledge.

That’s a super way to go about promoting your business, while helping others.

Q: Can you ask others to join?

Sure! Anyone is welcome. From colleagues to competitors. Invite them over to the community.

You’re also welcome to make calls to all community members. That’s as long as they agree to a request, of course.